Interview! Sarah-Jane Farrell, Multi Sensory and Forensic Medical Intuitive
October 28, 2017
Interview! Dr. Mike Greenberg, Program Director for Target Zero
November 4, 2017
Tomorrow night is Halloween and many towns have trick or treating. It is a time for everyone to get dressed up (as their favorite cat) and enjoy going door to door getting lots of treats (I don’t think we do many tricks anymore). So today let’s discuss fun Trick or Treat… Tips for Your Cats on Halloween!
With all of the craziness we need to take some precautions for our house cats and community cats. Below are a few of my best tips.
1. Trick Or Treating Times
Most towns say that they allow for trick or treating for a time period (like 5-7pm or so). I would highly recommend feeding your outdoor and indoor kitties later in the evening after all of the chaos and noise of so many people. It is especially important to not lure out kitties while kids are running around doing crazy stuff and possibly making a lot of noise.
2. Costume Materials
Be careful to not leave too much costume stuff around. We use materials, strings, make up and lots of other strange and gooey stuff to make up our costumes. Please be careful to make sure our cats to ingest any of this stuff.
3. Accessories
If you are using any sprays (that wild string stuff, hair color or hair sparkle stuff), please only use it on yourself and in a place where your cats aren’t. It isn’t good for your cat to have a mohawk stripe spray painted down their back.
4. Cat Costumes
I do know that there are a lot of people who like to dress up their cats. I will defer to you, to make the decision of whether or not your kitty has the personality to take being dressed up. In my house, one cat would be impossible to put on a costume and another would last about 3 minutes. But I know some cats are very cute and seem to be okay with being dressed up. Just be careful about strings and buttons and stuff that they could possible ingest.
5. Rewards
When Trick or Treating is all over please give your kitty a treat and some extra special love for making it through the night. Your community cats might appreciate a treat of sardines as a reward for waiting a bit longer for dinner.
Remember please to have a safe Halloween for all.