This Blog Is for You! The 2019 CCP Listeners Survey

This Blog Is for You! The 2019 CCP Listeners Survey

Lizz Whitacre, Pawlytics
December 17, 2019
John Boone, Wildlife Biologist at Great Bay Bird Observatory
December 24, 2019
Lizz Whitacre, Pawlytics
December 17, 2019
John Boone, Wildlife Biologist at Great Bay Bird Observatory
December 24, 2019

I would like to find out from you, our listeners, some of your thoughts about the Community Cats Podcast and our programs. If you can take a few minutes to answer these questions, it will help us improve our programs next year. If you can fill this quick survey out by Jan 1, 2020, I would be most grateful.

CCP 2019 Listener Survey

About you

Tell us a little about yourself.
Check all that apply.

Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our programs and provide you with information that will best help you.

We are on it...

You will receive an email with the full report

Thanks for testing out the Community Cat Calculator. It appears that your zip code may fall in more than one county. If you would like details about the methodology used, please click here to download a handy information sheet and then you can calculate the numbers on your own. To take a brief feedback survey, please click here.
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