Dr. Jacquie Rand, Executive Director and Chief Scientist, Australian Pet Welfare Foundation
November 30, 2021
Chris Roy, Creator of Doobert.com & Host of The Animal Innovation Show Podcast
December 6, 2021
Before I talk about what’s in store, I would like to ask our supporters to take a few minutes to answer this survey so we can make sure we have got your back in 2022. Share your thoughts and help make the Community Cats Podcast even better.
I can’t believe it is December; this year has flown by! We have certainly had an incredible year here at Community Cats Podcast. We have held over 20 different online educational events helping folks turn their passion for cats into action. And 2022 is set to be just as busy as this year has been.
Our 2022 calendar is shaping up nicely!
We have a fantastic lineup of guests for the podcast. I have already recorded quite a few episodes, with guests including “America’s Favorite Veterinarian” Dr. Gary Richter, Mike Bricker with CARE, Amy Davila Sanchez with Best Friends, and Jae Kennedy and Adrienne Lefebvre, with The Two Crazy Cat Ladies podcast. If you haven’t already, consider subscribing and tuning in each week for new episodes. Available wherever you get your podcasts. Episodes are also available on our website and YouTube.
We are especially excited about our 2022 educational calendar. With so much in store, folks who purchase the Community Cats Pass will really be in for a treat. With access to all our events throughout the year, that means they’ll have a front row seat to at least 8 conferences and 40 different speakers! I am just going to mention a few special highlights for the upcoming year.
In 2021, we had over 2,000 registrations for our Trapper Certification Workshops, held in partnership with Neighborhood Cats. These workshops, sponsored by Tomahawk Live Traps , along with our free webinar series are really the bedrock of training for how we can help cats in our communities. Thanks to the hard work of Bryan Kortis and Susan Richmond, we pack an incredible amount of information into each 2.5-hour session. Whether you are new to trap, neuter and return (TNR) or a seasoned pro, these sessions have something for everyone! We will continue our training sessions the first Saturday of every month (except Jan and July). Please share with your community.
January and the new year will bring us the Online Cat Conference! This will be our fifth year hosting the conference. We’re putting together an incredible schedule, and are excited to host expert speakers from all over including HSUS, Neighborhood Cats, CARE, TNR Texas, NACA, San Diego Humane, Well Being International, the animal welfare podcasters panel, National Kitten Coalition and many more. We will learn lots–and have plenty of fun playing cat trivia and doing those polls that I love so much! Registration is open. It isn’t too late to take advantage of our early bird discount. Get your ticket here for just $60.
February will bring the United Spay Alliance Online Conference and all things spay/neuter. We have been working closely with United Spay Alliance to dig into those topics we know are impacting so many right now–topics like the veterinary shortage. We’ll be talking about the shortage along with possible solutions, and answering questions to help more groups build sustainable programs for affordable veterinary care in their communities. Registration is open! Tickets are currently available for just $50.
Online Behavior Day in April is already set with the dynamic team of Pam Johnson-Bennett, Arden Moore, Tabitha Kucera and Rachel Geller. April is going to be a lot of fun and I know we are going to talk about litter boxes a lot!
In June, we have the Online Kitten Conference, presented in partnership with the National Kitten Coalition. (Psst! We are looking for speakers! If you have a kitten-related topic in mind, you can submit your proposal here!) This past year saw an uptick in our kittens in our communities. At least, it certainly seemed that way! Join us to understand the latest trends and best practices when it comes to kitten care and programs, and prepare to help even more kittens in your community.
During the summer, we will focus on Online Feline Leukemia Day. FeLv+ cats need our attention and advocacy, and this is a day just for these special kitties. I want to give a shout-out to the Tompkins Foundation for Feline Leukemia Advocacy for their hard work advocating for these cats.
The fall at the CCP is quite the busy season. Between Online Fundraising Day, Online Return to Home Day, and Online Diversity Day, there will be a little something for everyone to keep learning and growing with CCP. These events may be newer for us, but based on your feedback, we are working to make them even better in the upcoming year.
I can’t wait to see you all during the course of the year. Please share the CCP with everyone so we can continue to build our supportive community cat family!