Keith Williams, C5 Las Vegas
September 8, 2020
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Today’s guest post comes to us from Emma Gabbert, Digital Content Specialist Intern at Whisker Media.
When social media took off in the 2010s, businesses and nonprofits were excited to get their brand on social media platforms. It’s fair to say that at the time, no one could foresee the true impact social media would have on donations, sales, and networking opportunities. Move ahead to today, and now social media is seen as a requirement for any business or organization. Consumers prefer to view a Facebook or Instagram page over an email address.
Who made up these rules? Who said how often we should post—and why do the rules change so frequently? Like many aspects of business, it’s because of us, the consumers. When our tastes change, social media does too.
Keeping up with social media trends is daunting, and that’s why digital training companies like the Social Media Examiner host conferences and expert panels for business and nonprofit leaders: so they can learn the ins and outs of social media management and marketing. During global pandemics like the one we are in now, the training sessions are hosted online versus in person, opening them up to an even larger audience. Hundreds of people logged in for a recent Facebook marketing summit, including me.
For many nonprofits and businesses, social media is their only marketing initiative, due to its affordability. This online conference provided businesses and nonprofits of all sizes the opportunity to improve their Facebook ad results, increase engagement, and experiment with Facebook Live and videos, a feature that is often overlooked across all social media platforms.
During this week-long virtual event, attendees had the option to watch live videos or recordings of Facebook marketing experts from around the world, who shared the tips and tricks that led them to be a Facebook marketing expert. To kick off the conference, Mari Smith, an internationally recognized social media strategist, led a presentation about navigating Facebook marketing during uncertain times, like the COVID-19 pandemic. She acknowledges that social media algorithms, Facebook’s in particular, are constantly evolving and make a big difference in the performance of advertisements.
When Facebook and Instagram created Stories, it added another element to advertising. A common question is whether Story ads should be different than feed ads? The answer is yes. Stories are gone in 24 hours and only appear on someone’s phone for around five seconds. It would seem like posts are better than Stories for ads, but experts think users are more likely to buy something from a Story than a post. All this really depends on what you are trying to accomplish. You need to have goals for every ad.
In the pet industry, there are a variety of organizations with different goals. Animal nonprofits and cat rescues are looking for donations, while a pet food brand may be trying to increase sales. Advertisements need to be tailored to the end goal. If you are looking to increase donations, stories with limited text and a link to your website will be the most effective. If you want consumers to learn more about your organization and what you do, a feed ad with a tight description of who you are and why people should be interested in your brand will give you the best results.
Facebook marketing has been used as a tool by animal welfare groups and businesses since the beginning. When COVID-19 broke out, it became more than a tool; it was an essential service for nonprofits and businesses. The internet became the only way to market when the world shut down to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Some organizations adapted and are doing well, while many others are challenged just trying to keep up with the latest information. (We all know saving animals is time-consuming work!) One day we’re told we should post a particular kind of ad on social media and the next day that same thing is deemed “not a best practice.”
While the online seminars at the Facebook marketing summit were chock full of useful information, presenters acknowledged that their information is probably overwhelming at times. They do believe that when it comes to social media marketing, however, you don’t have to be an expert. Just do your best to keep up with trends, but know it’s really impossible to know everything.
So how should you tackle social media marketing, knowing you can’t be an expert in all things? Remember to keep your nonprofit or business relevant: at the very minimum, post useful, consistent information. Your social media stakeholders will keep coming back for your marketing and informational messages as long as you keep it full of fresh, new content.
Emma Gabbert is a junior at Minnesota State University, Mankato majoring in mass communications and double minoring in political science and marketing. A lifelong cat lover and former foster mom, she is a new mom to two little kitties named Baymax and Jingie.