It’s an Ask Stacy episode!
November 19, 2016
Interview! Suzanne Kogut, Executive Director of the Petco Foundation
November 22, 2016
I am sitting here listening to the snores of my two kitties, Misha and Hooch, and they both look so content! How could I not help but be thankful for having these two odd mush balls in my life?! Many of you might feel the same way and it is important to take a step back and enjoy what you have. It’s that time of the year where Being Thankful with a Time for Reflection is what we all tend to do!
Thankful can’t even begin to describe how I feel for all of you who are helping spread the word. Whether it’s about trap, neuter and return and treating our community cats with respect, it’s wonderful! I know that your days are hard work. But keep in mind that so many of us are making a difference!
Using the time around Thanksgiving to begin thinking of what my goals will be for the next year is always something I’ve done. I find it very helpful to put together a “game plan” for the next year. Do I attain all of my goals? Not always, but hey we aren’t all perfect and I figure it is part of living. This might be a good time for you to think about what goals you want for 2017!
Goals and Reflection
A couple of weeks ago, I attended a conference put on by the publisher, Hay House, called Speak, Write and Promote. During the two-day conference, I learned a lot. Topics included what it means to be a writer, speaker and promoter of a business. We spent a lot of time talking about social media. I just had to wonder what they would have talked about if the conference was held 10 years ago?! I had to ask, do we focus on content or promotion? I know their answer would have been both, but it seemed like we might be stressing promotion a bit much?
All in all, I thought it was a very good, thought-provoking conference. It helped to take a step back and look at my business. One lesson I have learned this year is that people who aren’t in animal welfare have absolutely no idea what a Community Cat is! That means, they aren’t even aware that there is a cat overpopulation problem. So my big takeaway is to never over-estimate your audience. When we are working with the public, we need to be patient and give them time to learn and understand the situations in our community.
Upon reflection, while looking at my sleeping kitties, my goal is to be able to bring knowledge to more folks. I want people to know more about the world about community cats so that we can celebrate these feline citizens!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!