Interview! Nathan Winograd, Executive Director, The No-Kill Advocacy Center, Part 2
August 12, 2017
Interview! Pat Brayer, Clinic Director at the Humane Society of Southern Arizona
August 19, 2017
My favorite holiday of the year is August 17th, which happens to be Black Cat Appreciation Day! For those of you that know me, you know of my love of black cats! I have only owned one black cat in my life (which seriously needs to be changed!), but I just think black cats are wonderful. Here are Ten Reasons Why We All Love Black Cats!
- Black cats are elegant looking. Let’s face it, a black cat always looks perfect.
- I think that black cats seem to be the smartest cats!
- There is nothing spooky about them.
- A black cat will always let you know when your house is dusty! How many times has your cat come up to you with dust all on their head?
- Wearing black makes us all lose 10 lbs… So our black kitties are never overweight.
- Since we are wearing black to keep us looking slim we don’t have to worry about lots of cat fur on our clothes.
- Your black cat will color coordinate with any interior design plan that you have.
- If your black cat doesn’t want to be found, you will have a harder time finding him… Make sure you are serving their needs and you will be fine.
- There is something really cool about the black pads on their feet and the black nose! It all comes back to image.
- They do have a “Sixth” sense. My kitty, Mandrake, who was black with a bit of white on his chest, knew when I was feeling low and when I would play with him. He was a wonderful cat.
If you are thinking about adopting, please adopt a Black kitty on August 17th. Share with your friends and encourage them to adopt! They are awesome and share these Ten Reasons Why We All Love Black Cats!
Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!