stress Archives - The Community Cats Podcast


May 27, 2018

The Silly Season- Happy Memorial Day!

Over my years in animal sheltering, I started to dread Memorial Day Weekend. What used to be a time of family get-togethers and days at the beach, now begins a season of emergency rescues and calls about emergencies with our fosters. Compared to many areas of the country, we aren’t […]
December 12, 2019

The Cat Rescuers- A Review

I recently had an opportunity to watch The Cat Rescuers, a documentary by Rob Fruchtman and Steve Lawrence. I have had the opportunity to interview Steve (CCP Episodes 178 and 307) about his experience making the film and following the main characters, Clare, Sassee, Tara, and Stuart around. We follow […]
March 5, 2020

Caring for Cats, Compassion Fatigue and Moral Distress

At a recent workshop that I ran, the concept of “moral distress” came up in conversation. The thought at the workshop was that we are misidentifying moral distress as compassion fatigue. I found this incredibly interesting. In general, moral distress is the anxiety we feel around the fact that we […]
July 23, 2020

Introducing Your New Kitten to the Family: Older Cats, Dogs, and Children

Today’s guest post comes to us from Krista Beucler, Marketing & Communications Intern at Community Cats Podcast. It’s kitten season and you may be thinking about bringing a new kitten into your family. Or maybe you stopped by the shelter for some entirely different purpose, or even “just to look”—and […]
October 5, 2021

Kristen Hassen, Maddie’s® American Pets Alive! Director overseeing Human Animal Support Services (HASS)

“Our hope… is that the future of sheltering means that we turn the entire community into animal services so that the [existing] animal services can just help those animals that truly need to be taken in to save their lives.” Listen to Episode #424 Now   This episode is sponsored […]
May 27, 2018

The Silly Season- Happy Memorial Day!

Over my years in animal sheltering, I started to dread Memorial Day Weekend. What used to be a time of family get-togethers and days at the beach, now begins a season of emergency rescues and calls about emergencies with our fosters. Compared to many areas of the country, we aren’t […]
December 12, 2019

The Cat Rescuers- A Review

I recently had an opportunity to watch The Cat Rescuers, a documentary by Rob Fruchtman and Steve Lawrence. I have had the opportunity to interview Steve (CCP Episodes 178 and 307) about his experience making the film and following the main characters, Clare, Sassee, Tara, and Stuart around. We follow […]
March 5, 2020

Caring for Cats, Compassion Fatigue and Moral Distress

At a recent workshop that I ran, the concept of “moral distress” came up in conversation. The thought at the workshop was that we are misidentifying moral distress as compassion fatigue. I found this incredibly interesting. In general, moral distress is the anxiety we feel around the fact that we […]
July 23, 2020

Introducing Your New Kitten to the Family: Older Cats, Dogs, and Children

Today’s guest post comes to us from Krista Beucler, Marketing & Communications Intern at Community Cats Podcast. It’s kitten season and you may be thinking about bringing a new kitten into your family. Or maybe you stopped by the shelter for some entirely different purpose, or even “just to look”—and […]
October 5, 2021

Kristen Hassen, Maddie’s® American Pets Alive! Director overseeing Human Animal Support Services (HASS)

“Our hope… is that the future of sheltering means that we turn the entire community into animal services so that the [existing] animal services can just help those animals that truly need to be taken in to save their lives.” Listen to Episode #424 Now   This episode is sponsored […]

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