population Archives - The Community Cats Podcast


November 19, 2016

It’s an Ask Stacy episode!

“You could feel the energy busting through the wires” Stacy reflects what all that she’s learned since launching the Community Cats Podcast, having completed more than 100 episodes speaking with experts all over the US and beyond. She recommends a number of her favorite interviews, with individuals like Emma Clifford, […]
March 25, 2018

Introducing the Community Cat Pyramid

Are you interested in making a significant reduction in the numbers of cats in your community? If the answer is yes, then I think the Community Cat Pyramid will be of interest to you. I hope this graphic will illustrate just how important certain programs are to impacting cat numbers. […]
April 29, 2018

Cat Cycling – How to Make Your Spay/Neuter Programs Most Impactful and not Overwhelm Your Staff

I am a person who likes to do things efficiently, with the biggest possible bang for the buck! One thing that I am not sure we think about enough is how to strategically operate spay/neuter programs within an adoption agency. With these programs, it is often all about just getting […]
July 21, 2018

Interview! John Boone, Research Coordinator at Great Basin Bird Observatory, Nevada

“The best solution to [community cat] issues is going to be significant changes in how people care for their cats.” John Boone’s professional track has been that of a wildlife biologist, but he also serves as a consultant with Humane Society International, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), and […]
November 19, 2016

It’s an Ask Stacy episode!

“You could feel the energy busting through the wires” Stacy reflects what all that she’s learned since launching the Community Cats Podcast, having completed more than 100 episodes speaking with experts all over the US and beyond. She recommends a number of her favorite interviews, with individuals like Emma Clifford, […]
March 25, 2018

Introducing the Community Cat Pyramid

Are you interested in making a significant reduction in the numbers of cats in your community? If the answer is yes, then I think the Community Cat Pyramid will be of interest to you. I hope this graphic will illustrate just how important certain programs are to impacting cat numbers. […]
April 29, 2018

Cat Cycling – How to Make Your Spay/Neuter Programs Most Impactful and not Overwhelm Your Staff

I am a person who likes to do things efficiently, with the biggest possible bang for the buck! One thing that I am not sure we think about enough is how to strategically operate spay/neuter programs within an adoption agency. With these programs, it is often all about just getting […]
July 21, 2018

Interview! John Boone, Research Coordinator at Great Basin Bird Observatory, Nevada

“The best solution to [community cat] issues is going to be significant changes in how people care for their cats.” John Boone’s professional track has been that of a wildlife biologist, but he also serves as a consultant with Humane Society International, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), and […]

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