hospice Archives - The Community Cats Podcast


August 26, 2017

Interview! Lorrie Shaw, Owner, Professional Pet Sitting & Blogger, Animals Unfolded

“Cats’ needs for enrichment are only becoming more understood.” Lorrie Shaw is the owner of Professional Pet Sitting and specializes in helping families care for hospice and special needs pets. Through her work, she has observed that medical issues and behavioral issues are very often linked—inappropriate elimination, for example, is the most […]
August 26, 2017

Interview! Lorrie Shaw, Owner, Professional Pet Sitting & Blogger, Animals Unfolded

“Cats’ needs for enrichment are only becoming more understood.” Lorrie Shaw is the owner of Professional Pet Sitting and specializes in helping families care for hospice and special needs pets. Through her work, she has observed that medical issues and behavioral issues are very often linked—inappropriate elimination, for example, is the most […]

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