communication Archives - The Community Cats Podcast


July 30, 2016

Interview! Julia Pesek, Community Outreach Coordinator for the MSPCA at Nevins Farm (MA), and Vice President of the Massachusetts Animal Coalition (MAC)

“I think I was born a cat lady.” Julia says that earning her Masters in Animals and Public Policy at Tufts gave her a perfect “launching pad” for what she wanted to do with her life.  It also led her to take an active role at the Massachusetts Animal Coalition, which […]
August 5, 2016

Interview! Michael Morefield, Communications and Marketing Manager for the Arizona Animal Welfare League and SPCA

“We all have our own donor sources, yes, we have our own projects and so on, but we are in this together.” Michael tells Stacy about all things animal welfare in Arizona, from a ten-month kitten season to roaming packs of chihuahuas. In addition, he emphasizes the importance of working […]
October 18, 2016

Interview! Juan Martinez, Founder and President, JMart Strategies

“Pick one platform, become really good at that platform, before you expand into a second one.” With his 20 years of experience in the legislative and non-profit communications world, Juan has keen insight into the importance of storytelling in the world of social media. He notes that social media has […]
March 31, 2018

Interview! Ask Stacy! Online Cat Conference Review

“I’m passionate about the idea of having a dedicated annual cat conference nationally and this was a great way to work towards providing access to everyone.” Stacy is back to discuss all of the in’s and out’s of how the first Online Cat Conference went this past January! She always […]
April 21, 2018

Interview! Jennifer Blough, Compassion Fatigue Expert and Author

“Self care—it’s not selfish; it’s really charging your batteries so you can go out and have the energy to do what you love to do, which is saving animals.” Jennifer Blough, a licensed therapist, compassion fatigue expert and author of the bookTo Save a Starfish: A Compassion Fatigue Workbook for […]
June 24, 2018

Kitten Season is Here, and More than Ever, We Need to Communicate

So kitten season is here in full force around the country. Based on my sampling of what I am hearing from listeners, it appears that this summer is worse than past summers. I am hearing about areas with a 10% increase in kittens, and shelters in the southeast and southwest […]
July 29, 2018

Maddie’s Pet Forum-Our Helping Hand

Okay, I am really excited about the Pet Forum platform that the folks at Maddie’s Fund have put together. You can read more about it at I  believe that this forum could potentially be the next generation of technology that can help take us to the next level for cats.  It […]
August 19, 2018

The Volunteer Program Wellness Check

Volunteer coordination, recruitment and management are some of the most challenging issues that we face in this business. Below are a few points to consider when you are setting up your program — or doing a wellness check on an existing program. When someone expresses interest in volunteering with your […]
July 22, 2019

San Francisco Feral Kitten Frenzy

Last week I read an article about some policy changes at the San Francisco SPCA and San Francisco Animal Care and Control regarding their policies on trapping feral mother cats and kittens. In a nutshell, the groups “have instituted a new policy that allows the mothers and kittens to stay together […]
March 4, 2020

Jill Tucker, California Animal Welfare Association

“I really enjoy getting people aligned behind a vision and moving forward.” Listen to Episode #341 Now   Jill Tucker, CAWA and CEO of the California Animal Welfare Association (CalAnimals), joins Stacy in this episode to talk about her career in animal welfare, which stretches back to 2002. They talk […]
April 28, 2020

Julie Posluns, Cat School

“It’s a fun way to enrich an animal’s life.” Listen to Episode #349 Now   In this episode, Stacy sits down with Julie Posluns, the founder and owner of Cat School, an online training school for cats that uses clicker training to teach fun and practical behaviors and strengthen the […]
June 25, 2020

10 Tips for Successful Feline Fundraising in the Time of COVID-19

Once the coronavirus hit, the stock market plummeted, and unemployment took off in the United States, our nonprofits started to shut down. Many organizations began to worry about their fundraising prospects for the year ahead. Some organizations chose to lay off or furlough employees, including their development staff, but some […]
December 15, 2020

Best of 2020 – Julie Posluns, Cat School

“It’s a fun way to enrich an animal’s life.” Listen to Episode #382 Now   In this episode, Stacy sits down with Julie Posluns, the founder and owner of Cat School, an online training school for cats that uses clicker training to teach fun and practical behaviors and strengthen the […]
November 30, 2021

Dr. Jacquie Rand, Executive Director and Chief Scientist, Australian Pet Welfare Foundation

“The problem is that TNR is illegal across Australia. For example, the state that I live in, un-owned cats are classed as 3, 4, and 6 ‘restricted matter.’ They can’t be fed, they can’t be moved, they can’t be rehomed or sold.” Listen to Episode #432 Now   This episode […]
December 6, 2021

Chris Roy, Creator of & Host of The Animal Innovation Show Podcast

“I’m hopeful that we’re going to inspire the next generation of idea people.” Listen to Episode #433 Now   This episode is sponsored in part by Humane Network and What started out as one man’s system to record and coordinate his own animal transport work has since transformed into an […]
December 14, 2021

Jon Dunn, Senior Specialist of Communications of Best Friends Animal Society

“We want the podcast to play a role in lifesaving. So people will hear the podcast and change what they’re doing.” Listen to Episode #434 Now   This episode is sponsored in part by Humane Network and As Kristen Bell is to sloths, so Jon Dunn is to cats. Senior […]
February 14, 2023

Racing for Rescues with Laurren Darr, Author

“I thought about it from a small business . . . [or] nonprofit standpoint of here are some of the basics to help you at least upstart and continue marketing, especially if you’re on a shoestring budget.” Listen to Episode #495 Now   This episode is sponsored in part by, […]
July 30, 2016

Interview! Julia Pesek, Community Outreach Coordinator for the MSPCA at Nevins Farm (MA), and Vice President of the Massachusetts Animal Coalition (MAC)

“I think I was born a cat lady.” Julia says that earning her Masters in Animals and Public Policy at Tufts gave her a perfect “launching pad” for what she wanted to do with her life.  It also led her to take an active role at the Massachusetts Animal Coalition, which […]
August 5, 2016

Interview! Michael Morefield, Communications and Marketing Manager for the Arizona Animal Welfare League and SPCA

“We all have our own donor sources, yes, we have our own projects and so on, but we are in this together.” Michael tells Stacy about all things animal welfare in Arizona, from a ten-month kitten season to roaming packs of chihuahuas. In addition, he emphasizes the importance of working […]
October 18, 2016

Interview! Juan Martinez, Founder and President, JMart Strategies

“Pick one platform, become really good at that platform, before you expand into a second one.” With his 20 years of experience in the legislative and non-profit communications world, Juan has keen insight into the importance of storytelling in the world of social media. He notes that social media has […]
March 31, 2018

Interview! Ask Stacy! Online Cat Conference Review

“I’m passionate about the idea of having a dedicated annual cat conference nationally and this was a great way to work towards providing access to everyone.” Stacy is back to discuss all of the in’s and out’s of how the first Online Cat Conference went this past January! She always […]
April 21, 2018

Interview! Jennifer Blough, Compassion Fatigue Expert and Author

“Self care—it’s not selfish; it’s really charging your batteries so you can go out and have the energy to do what you love to do, which is saving animals.” Jennifer Blough, a licensed therapist, compassion fatigue expert and author of the bookTo Save a Starfish: A Compassion Fatigue Workbook for […]
June 24, 2018

Kitten Season is Here, and More than Ever, We Need to Communicate

So kitten season is here in full force around the country. Based on my sampling of what I am hearing from listeners, it appears that this summer is worse than past summers. I am hearing about areas with a 10% increase in kittens, and shelters in the southeast and southwest […]
July 29, 2018

Maddie’s Pet Forum-Our Helping Hand

Okay, I am really excited about the Pet Forum platform that the folks at Maddie’s Fund have put together. You can read more about it at I  believe that this forum could potentially be the next generation of technology that can help take us to the next level for cats.  It […]
August 19, 2018

The Volunteer Program Wellness Check

Volunteer coordination, recruitment and management are some of the most challenging issues that we face in this business. Below are a few points to consider when you are setting up your program — or doing a wellness check on an existing program. When someone expresses interest in volunteering with your […]
July 22, 2019

San Francisco Feral Kitten Frenzy

Last week I read an article about some policy changes at the San Francisco SPCA and San Francisco Animal Care and Control regarding their policies on trapping feral mother cats and kittens. In a nutshell, the groups “have instituted a new policy that allows the mothers and kittens to stay together […]
March 4, 2020

Jill Tucker, California Animal Welfare Association

“I really enjoy getting people aligned behind a vision and moving forward.” Listen to Episode #341 Now   Jill Tucker, CAWA and CEO of the California Animal Welfare Association (CalAnimals), joins Stacy in this episode to talk about her career in animal welfare, which stretches back to 2002. They talk […]
April 28, 2020

Julie Posluns, Cat School

“It’s a fun way to enrich an animal’s life.” Listen to Episode #349 Now   In this episode, Stacy sits down with Julie Posluns, the founder and owner of Cat School, an online training school for cats that uses clicker training to teach fun and practical behaviors and strengthen the […]
June 25, 2020

10 Tips for Successful Feline Fundraising in the Time of COVID-19

Once the coronavirus hit, the stock market plummeted, and unemployment took off in the United States, our nonprofits started to shut down. Many organizations began to worry about their fundraising prospects for the year ahead. Some organizations chose to lay off or furlough employees, including their development staff, but some […]
December 15, 2020

Best of 2020 – Julie Posluns, Cat School

“It’s a fun way to enrich an animal’s life.” Listen to Episode #382 Now   In this episode, Stacy sits down with Julie Posluns, the founder and owner of Cat School, an online training school for cats that uses clicker training to teach fun and practical behaviors and strengthen the […]
November 30, 2021

Dr. Jacquie Rand, Executive Director and Chief Scientist, Australian Pet Welfare Foundation

“The problem is that TNR is illegal across Australia. For example, the state that I live in, un-owned cats are classed as 3, 4, and 6 ‘restricted matter.’ They can’t be fed, they can’t be moved, they can’t be rehomed or sold.” Listen to Episode #432 Now   This episode […]
December 6, 2021

Chris Roy, Creator of & Host of The Animal Innovation Show Podcast

“I’m hopeful that we’re going to inspire the next generation of idea people.” Listen to Episode #433 Now   This episode is sponsored in part by Humane Network and What started out as one man’s system to record and coordinate his own animal transport work has since transformed into an […]
December 14, 2021

Jon Dunn, Senior Specialist of Communications of Best Friends Animal Society

“We want the podcast to play a role in lifesaving. So people will hear the podcast and change what they’re doing.” Listen to Episode #434 Now   This episode is sponsored in part by Humane Network and As Kristen Bell is to sloths, so Jon Dunn is to cats. Senior […]
February 14, 2023

Racing for Rescues with Laurren Darr, Author

“I thought about it from a small business . . . [or] nonprofit standpoint of here are some of the basics to help you at least upstart and continue marketing, especially if you’re on a shoestring budget.” Listen to Episode #495 Now   This episode is sponsored in part by, […]

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