children Archives - The Community Cats Podcast


September 3, 2016

Interview! Heidi Colonna, Curriculum Development Manager for the Humane Society and Board Member with Association of Professional Humane Educators

“Humane education can prevent situations where people lack knowledge of basic care and, in other cases, lack of empathy.” Heidi was volunteering at a local shelter in 1994, which compelled her to choose animal science and public policy over a potential business degree. She discusses her focus on ‘preventable people […]
September 30, 2016

Interview! Valerie Ingram and Alistair Schroff, Founders of The Lakes Animal Friendship Society

“We consider education to be our number one priority.” The combination of Valerie’s nineteen years’ experience in elementary education and Alistair’s passion and business experience has led to inspiring changes for animal welfare in their rural British Columbia community. Co-authors of children’s books Nobody’s Cats and Out of the Cold, Valerie and Alistair discuss their belief […]
February 18, 2017

Interview! Rachel Geller, Certified Humane Education Specialist

“The moral and humane response to animal abuse begins with assisting kids in developing empathy and compassion for animals.” We are once again re-visiting an old friend of the podcast—Dr. Rachel Geller, vice president of the Gifford Cat Shelter and certified humane education specialist. As a cat behavior counselor, Rachel […]
July 28, 2019

Community Cat Centers – What Do You Think?

This article about the work that LeBron James has done in the Akron, Ohio public school system has me thinking hard about where animals fit into this new generation of thinking about community. Some of you know that my daughter Rachel is interested in education and has been working at […]
May 5, 2020

Arden Moore, Pet Health and Safety Coach

“I think it’s kind of a good time to be a cat.” Listen to Episode #350 Now   The multi-talented Arden Moore joins Stacy in this episode to discuss all things C-A-T. Arden is a radio show host, author, professional speaker, editor, media consultant, dog/cat behavior consultant, and a master […]
July 23, 2020

Introducing Your New Kitten to the Family: Older Cats, Dogs, and Children

Today’s guest post comes to us from Krista Beucler, Marketing & Communications Intern at Community Cats Podcast. It’s kitten season and you may be thinking about bringing a new kitten into your family. Or maybe you stopped by the shelter for some entirely different purpose, or even “just to look”—and […]
December 16, 2020

(More) Cat Books for Kids

This week’s post comes to us from Liz Pease, CCP staff member and former Executive Director of the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society, who was featured on CCP Episode #51. Several years ago, I wrote a CCP blog post entitled Kids, Cats, and Books with my suggestions for kids’ books related […]
September 3, 2016

Interview! Heidi Colonna, Curriculum Development Manager for the Humane Society and Board Member with Association of Professional Humane Educators

“Humane education can prevent situations where people lack knowledge of basic care and, in other cases, lack of empathy.” Heidi was volunteering at a local shelter in 1994, which compelled her to choose animal science and public policy over a potential business degree. She discusses her focus on ‘preventable people […]
September 30, 2016

Interview! Valerie Ingram and Alistair Schroff, Founders of The Lakes Animal Friendship Society

“We consider education to be our number one priority.” The combination of Valerie’s nineteen years’ experience in elementary education and Alistair’s passion and business experience has led to inspiring changes for animal welfare in their rural British Columbia community. Co-authors of children’s books Nobody’s Cats and Out of the Cold, Valerie and Alistair discuss their belief […]
February 18, 2017

Interview! Rachel Geller, Certified Humane Education Specialist

“The moral and humane response to animal abuse begins with assisting kids in developing empathy and compassion for animals.” We are once again re-visiting an old friend of the podcast—Dr. Rachel Geller, vice president of the Gifford Cat Shelter and certified humane education specialist. As a cat behavior counselor, Rachel […]
July 28, 2019

Community Cat Centers – What Do You Think?

This article about the work that LeBron James has done in the Akron, Ohio public school system has me thinking hard about where animals fit into this new generation of thinking about community. Some of you know that my daughter Rachel is interested in education and has been working at […]
May 5, 2020

Arden Moore, Pet Health and Safety Coach

“I think it’s kind of a good time to be a cat.” Listen to Episode #350 Now   The multi-talented Arden Moore joins Stacy in this episode to discuss all things C-A-T. Arden is a radio show host, author, professional speaker, editor, media consultant, dog/cat behavior consultant, and a master […]
July 23, 2020

Introducing Your New Kitten to the Family: Older Cats, Dogs, and Children

Today’s guest post comes to us from Krista Beucler, Marketing & Communications Intern at Community Cats Podcast. It’s kitten season and you may be thinking about bringing a new kitten into your family. Or maybe you stopped by the shelter for some entirely different purpose, or even “just to look”—and […]
December 16, 2020

(More) Cat Books for Kids

This week’s post comes to us from Liz Pease, CCP staff member and former Executive Director of the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society, who was featured on CCP Episode #51. Several years ago, I wrote a CCP blog post entitled Kids, Cats, and Books with my suggestions for kids’ books related […]

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