Danielle Bays, Humane Society of the United States
April 14, 2020
Tina Traster, Catnip Nation
April 21, 2020
This week is Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week. This is certainly a time to appreciate the great commitment of those who join this profession. Animal control officers enter homes to help animals impacted by the coronavirus crisis and risk their lives to save others, and we need to say thank you to them for being out there on the front lines. This week is the best week to reach out by phone, Zoom, or email to say thank you and ask them if there is anything you can do to help. They might need food to give someone so they can take in a pet from a relative who is hospitalized. They may need you or your organization to help with emergencies or to help with fielding non-emergency calls. I am sure they would take any masks or extra equipment you have as well.
Just reach out and ask if they need anything. In some communities, a local firefighter or police officer also acts as the ACO. They too are on the front lines and deserve a heartfelt thank you. I would also recommend putting a public thank you out on your social media. It will mean a lot to your ACO to know that you have their back and are willing to support them when they need it.
I believe that this crisis will bring us together to help the cause of animal welfare even more. Please take the time this week—and beyond—to celebrate the efforts of animal control.