Interview! Joyce Briggs, President of the Alliance for Contraception in Cats & Dogs
June 23, 2018
Interview! Chad Nelson, Advocacy Director at PawsWatch Rhode Island
June 30, 2018
So kitten season is here in full force around the country. Based on my sampling of what I am hearing from listeners, it appears that this summer is worse than past summers. I am hearing about areas with a 10% increase in kittens, and shelters in the southeast and southwest are overloaded with kittens.
If your program is overwhelmed and needs help, please don’t be shy about asking for help. This is the time of the year that we need to network the most. Do you have a network in your community?
In Massachusetts, we have had masscats since 2004, and it has been a life saver for many cats and kittens in need around the state. There are about 600 members and it is a very active site, modeled after the Freecycle program.
I will put this plea out again and ask that we create such a network in every state. It is a very helpful tool for efficient and effective communication. If you would like to help out with creating a network in your state, just let me know and we can get you set up.
Don’t forget that in the summer you can still SNR/TNR friendly cats and kittens and then go back to get them when you have room. Please triage your intakes wisely and do offer fee-waived adoption events. This will help your facility manage the population overflow.
Good luck this summer! Let me know how things are going where you are.