Interview! Brigid Wasson, Board Member, Missing Pet Partnership, and Founder of Path Ahead Animal Shelter Consulting
July 6, 2016
Interview! Karen Little, Founder, Alley Cat Advocates, Louisville KY
July 8, 2016
“We simply can’t say, “I’m an animal person…I don’t want to deal with people.”
In this episode, Katie chronicles her wide-ranging activities as a proponent for improving outcomes for cats and communities. She details her work helping improve public policies relating to cats, advocating for coalitions to join together in a community to address their cat issues, and the many resources HSUS makes available to interested individuals and groups who want to work on behalf of change. “The HSUS works to protect all animals,” notes Katie, and then talks about the ways that the cat community and wildlife community need to listen to each other, rather than fight it out. Ultimately, she says, “if you keep the population of free-roaming cats down, you have fewer issues with the birding community.”
To find out more visit the The Humane Society of the United States online.
Listen to Episode #16 Now