Fundraising For the Injured Community Kitty

Fundraising For the Injured Community Kitty

Interview! Anthony Amos, Owner, HydroDog and Founder of the Bathe to Save Tour
July 8, 2017
Interview! Meredith Hippert, Director of Field Operations, Animal Balance
July 15, 2017
Interview! Anthony Amos, Owner, HydroDog and Founder of the Bathe to Save Tour
July 8, 2017
Interview! Meredith Hippert, Director of Field Operations, Animal Balance
July 15, 2017
Fundraising For the Injured Community Kitty

It is the middle of the summer and we are up to our eye balls in requests for help! Kittens need trapping, people are complaining and we are all hot! Inevitably, when all of these requests pile up we get that call that an injured cat has been found and needs assistance! Of course, we don’t even think and we rush to the scene to get the cat (as we should). But we know we are potentially going to be faced with time and money that we don’t have in order to help this kitty. So what do we do for Fundraising For the Injured Community Kitty?

I am sure you all know this story… How can we raise the necessary funds to help the medical costs for this cat? There are a lot of websites that can make this pretty easy. Take photos and video of the kitty and the rescue and if you can post to a fundraising site like GoFundMe or YouCaring, you will have great success raising the needed funds for this kitty.

But how can we be pro-active and have funds on hand for these emergencies? Your organization needs to make a commitment to fundraise separately or allocate a percentage of general funds raised to help these cats. Some groups already have funds that help in case of an emergency. Does your group have one?

Very early on at the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society we felt it was important to be able to care for any injured ferals in the colonies that we managed. So around 1994-5 we started the Captain Courageous Fund. Learn more about this fund now!

On an initial search it seems hard to find help and support. The two links below seem to have the most detailed help for pets, but not necessarily ferals. It might be nice to have a list of organizations that have programs specific to injured community cats. Please share any listings you know of on our Facebook page to help support the CCP Community. 


Have a great week everyone and hopefully one that isn’t too crazy!

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