FIV Cats and Why We Need to Stop Testing

FIV Cats and Why We Need to Stop Testing

FIV Cats and Why We Need to Stop Testing

I know many of you enjoyed my comments about Felv+ cats and I want to thank everyone for the great responses. I thought today I would get up on my FIV+ soapbox and advocate for this great group of FIV Cats and Why We Need to Stop Testing! My own cat, Hooch, is FIV+ and he lives with Misha, an Fiv – kitty. Over the years we have sweated over the combo test for both Fiv and Felv and while I understand the need to test (actually to multiple test for Felv), I don’t think we need to even bother with testing for FIV at all.

Yes, that is right, why do we even need to test for FIV in our shelters. FIV cats are usually the friendliest and most social kitties. If we put FIV cats in a room with other negative cats most often the Fiv cats get adopted out first due to a usually better temperament.

What to do if your shelter currently doesn’t adopt out FIV positive cats (and still tests)? Create a pilot program. Ask your management to take 3-5 months to try adopting out FIV’s. Write the adoption profiles about personality first and then attach the article below. The MRFRS did a video about a simulated FIV adoption at this link. Take a second to watch it!

Feel free to share this resource from Healthy Pets with others and adopt out those FIV’s and just stop testing. I am sure that once you adopt out an FIV positive cat there is no going back!  It is such a good feeling.

Have a great week…

Also, as a reminder, don’t forget to sign up for our webinar with Hannah Shaw, the Kitten Lady! We’re having a great webinar with her on Saturday, June 17 at 11am EST. Learn everything you need to know about saving kittens’ lives. She’ll be talking all about Kittens and Bottle Babies, too!
To sign up go to and click on the link on the homepage to sign up.

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