July 15th | 10:00AM-5:00PM EDT
This event has passed. Click to purchase access to the recordings.
The Community Cats Podcast is thrilled to announce that we will once again be holding our Online Feline Leukemia Day this year. Speakers from a wide range of fields from veterinarians to shelter specialists will bring you the latest information on Feline Leukemia studies, improvements in care, and suggestions to help you start and maintain policies and programs that will help you find homes for these special kitties. Scroll down to see a list of speakers and topics.
Attend Online Feline Leukemia Day for FREE! Scholarships for this event are available and made possible by the Tompkins Foundation for FeLV Advocacy. Click here to apply!
2023 Online Feline Leukemia Day Speakers and Presentations

Going Viral: How To Start A Successful Feline Leukemia Adoption Program
Kelly Garlock
Feline Leukemia Program Coordinator, Austin Pets Alive

Waitlist Management & Admission Processes for Feline Leukemia Positive Cats
Audry Cichosz
Shelter Operations Coordinator, Tree House Humane Society

Waitlist Management & Admission Processes for Feline Leukemia Positive Cats
Jamie Gay
Director of Operations, Tree House Humane Society

Mixed Households – Can You? Should You? Will You?
Margaret Tompkins
President, Tompkins Foundation for FeLV Advocacy

Research Breakthroughs for FeLV+ Cats:
An FIP Miracle Cure for Shelter Cats with FIP: 200 Cats and Counting, The Austin FeLV Lifetime Study: What Have We Learned From 130 FeLV+ Cats in Six Years?, Good News for Florida Shelter Cats with FeLV and FIV
Dr. Julie Levy
Fran Marino Endowed Distinguished Professor of Shelter Medicine Education, Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida

Feline Leukemia: A Novel Approach to the Treatment of an Old Disease
Dr. Alfred Chua
Biovalence Technologies

Research Breakthroughs for FeLV+ Cats:
An FIP Miracle Cure for Shelter Cats with FIP: 200 Cats and Counting, The Austin FeLV Lifetime Study: What Have We Learned From 130 FeLV+ Cats in Six Years?, Good News for Florida Shelter Cats with FeLV and FIV
Nicole Levy
Volunteer FIP Liaison, Austin Pets Alive!
Online Feline Leukemia Day is proudly sponsored by:

…and you! We’re currently accepting sponsorships for the 2023 virtual education season and we’re including lots of great benefits! Download all the details and for more information email stacy@communitycatspodcast.com.