Sponsoring an event will put your business or organization in front of hundreds of participants who are invested in creating a better world for animals.
We believe that turning your passion for cats into action takes education and encouragement beyond the podcast. That’s why, since 2017, we’ve been organizing virtual conferences and workshops that are both affordable and convenient to attend - no travel required!
Check out the sponsorship opportunities we’ve made available for the 2024 and 2025 seasons and, when you're ready, click the event(s) that are right for you to set up your sponsorship online, or contact Stacy LeBaron at stacy@communitycatspodcast.com for questions.
Explore Your Sponsor Benefits
Two Day Conferences
Session Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition - a mention before sponsored session
- 2 conference registrations
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
Supporting Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition - listed in program and acknowledged in event slides
- 4 conference registrations
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
- Your logo with hyperlink on CCP event websites
Sustaining Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition - listed in program and acknowledged in event slides
- 10 conference registrations
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
- Your logo with hyperlink on CCP event websites
Leadership Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition - verbal acknowledgment during event in addition to being listed in program and acknowledged in event slides
- 15 conference registrations
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
- Your logo with hyperlink on CCP event websites
Premier Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition - Your logo featured in program, verbal acknowledgment during event in addition to being listed in program and acknowledged in event slides
- 50 conference registrations
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
- Your logo with hyperlink on CCP event websites
- Co-host cat trivia live (optional - but fun!)
- Access to registration email list for one-time use

The Online Kitten Conference is held in partnership with the National Kitten Coalition whose mission is to increase kitten survival rates and transform their lives through the power of education. They accomplish their mission by educating and training animal shelter and veterinary staff, rescue groups, volunteers and fosters to provide high-quality, cost-effective care; providing outreach and educational materials to animal welfare professionals and the public; and promoting cooperation and information sharing within the animal welfare community. Visit kittencoalition.org to learn more.

The United Spay Alliance Online Conference is presented in partnership with the United Spay Alliance which is a national animal welfare organization dedicated exclusively to promoting affordable, accessible, and timely spay/neuter services as the solution to the crisis of cat and dog homelessness.
They state their mission is to "Decrease their numbers. Elevate their status. End their homelessness." Visit unitedspayalliance.org to learn more.
Please note that the Online Kitten Conference will include additional benefits from The National Kitten Coalition.
One Day Conferences
Session Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition - a mention before sponsored session
- 1 conference registration
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
Supporting Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition - listed in program and acknowledged in event slides
- 1 conference registrations
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
- Your logo with hyperlink on CCP event websites
Sustaining Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition - listed in program and acknowledged in event slides
- 4 conference registrations
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
- Your logo with hyperlink on CCP event websites
Leadership Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition - verbal acknowledgment during event in addition to being listed in program and acknowledged in event slides
- 6 conference registrations
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
- Your logo with hyperlink on CCP event websites
Premier Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition - Your logo featured in program, verbal acknowledgment during event in addition to being listed in program and acknowledged in event slides
- 50 conference registrations
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
- Your logo with hyperlink on CCP event websites
- Co-host cat trivia live (optional - but fun!)
- Access to registration email list for one-time use
In the Surrender Prevention Certification Presented by Dr. Rachel Geller we cover how to empathize with cat owners, work around their limitations (financial, time, patience), and focus on the 3 most common reasons for surrender: litter box problems, scratching (and not on the scratching post!) and interact aggression. Attendees are invited to take advantage of the interactive format, extensive handouts, and video footage of actual techniques and receive a certificate after passing a quiz. Events are held four times per year.
And new for 2024! A Return to Home Certification Workshop focused on getting lost cats back to their owners through a thoughtful, standardized process that has been proven to substantially improve return rates. More details and dates to come but this event will likely be held four times in 2024.
Workshop Sponsor
- Your logo featured on a slide during the event
- Verbal acknowledgment during event
- Your logo with hyperlink on CCP event website
- Access to the Online Cat Conference Facebook group
TNR Education and Certification Workshops include:
- Neighborhood Cats Trapper Certification Workshop Presented by Neighborhood Cats the First Saturday of Most Months
- Return-to-Home Certification Workshop Presented by Corrine Bourgoin of the MSPCA 3 Times Yearly
- Surrender Prevention Certification Workshop Presented by Behaviorist Dr. Rachel Geller 3 Times Yearly
- From the Backyard to the Front Page: Building a TNR Movement Certification (TNR Program Management Training) Presented by Neighborhood Cats in February
- Trapper’s Tips & Tricks Certification (Advanced TNR Training) Presented by Neighborhood Cats in March
- Persuading Municipal Officials to Go with TNR Certification (TNR Program Management Training) Presented by Neighborhood Cats in April
- Targeted TNR: Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck Certification (TNR Program Management Training) Presented by Neighborhood Cats in May
- Drop Trap: A Trapper’s Best Friend Certification (Advanced TNR Training) Presented by Neighborhood Cats in June
- Return-to-Field: How Shelters Save Community Cats Certification (TNR Program Management Training) Presented by Neighborhood Cats in September
- Colony Caretaking Tips & Tricks Certification (Advanced TNR Training) Presented by Neighborhood Cats in November

Purrfer to advertise on the podcast?
Community Cats Podcast offers a package of four, 15 second ad spots for just $80 or two, 60 second ad spots and a clickable ad on our site for $150 making them an affordable advertising option. Visit our podcast advertising page or email stacy@communitycatspodcast.com for more information.