Interview! Dr. Peggy Larson, Founder of Cat Spay and Neuter Clinic, Colchester, VT - The Community Cats Podcast

Interview! Dr. Peggy Larson, Founder of Cat Spay and Neuter Clinic, Colchester, VT

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Interview! Juan Martinez, Founder and President, JMart Strategies
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“You have to balance, to make sure that that cat’s going to be alright going back to where he came from.”

Peggy Larson, founder of National Spay/Neuter Coalition, holds degrees from Ohio State Vet School, UC Davis, and Vermont Law School. She has used her education to support fellow vets trying to start their own spay-neuter clinics, investigate animal cruelty in the state of Vermont, and rewrite the policy surrounding spay-neuter with Peter Marsh, friend and lawyer. She first became involved in TNR when she started a makeshift spay/neuter clinic and rescue for community cats out of her home many years ago. In 23 years, the clinic managed to spay a staggering 78,000 cats in Chittenden County Vermont. In conversation with Stacy she talks about the dangers community cats can face depending on the environment they live in, and how shelters with small budgets can start affordable mobile clinics through MASH.
To get in touch with Peggy, email her at

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