Interview! Christie Kamiya, Chief of Shelter Medicine, Humane Society Silicon Valley
October 4, 2016
Interview! Blake and Adrienne Kuhre, Founders of the Furry Foundation
October 6, 2016
“We also need to educate or partner with folks in the local community so they can be our neighborhood watchers.”
As Community Cats Podcast celebrates its eightieth episode, Stacy and guest host Lisa Finkel discuss how bird lovers and cat lovers can work together to decrease both the number of free roaming colony cats and, subsequently, bird deaths. The financial and social causes of cat abandonment are also points of interest in today’s episode, as well as upcoming events and opportunities to support the podcast and the community cats cause. Feel free to contact Stacy for questions or consulting inquiries atstacy@communitycatspodcast.com.
Listen to Episode #80 Now