Interview! Taryn Breuer, President, Friends of Jeannette Hunt Animal Shelter (NE) - The Community Cats Podcast

Interview! Taryn Breuer, President, Friends of Jeannette Hunt Animal Shelter (NE)

Interview! Mike Phillips, President, Urban Cat League, and Community Outreach Coordinator for the New York City Feral Cat Initiative
September 22, 2016
Seven Tips to Convince Others to Help Community Cats
September 26, 2016
Interview! Mike Phillips, President, Urban Cat League, and Community Outreach Coordinator for the New York City Feral Cat Initiative
September 22, 2016
Seven Tips to Convince Others to Help Community Cats
September 26, 2016

“Gosh we’re not alone out here….maybe we can get this population under control.”

Taryn describes how rural Blair, Nebraska needs its resident cats to help keep rodents from getting into the grain farmed there, but also needs an active TNR effort to keep the numbers of cats in check.  Participating in the MRFRS Mentoring Program was the catalyst (pun intended!) to upping Blair’s TNR game: after starting with just 150 or so cats in its first year, the program Taryn chairs has now fixed 4000 cats in just four years. The kitten population is under control, as well — down from 85 last year to only 15 in 2016.  She talks about the benefits of transfer cages, of keeping your equipment in top condition, and the secret of trapping during Nebraska’s stern winters:  microwave your bait until it’s very hot and wrap it in a towel until you get to your trapping location.
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