Interview! Cheryl Ann Fernandes, Regional Shelter Care Representative, PetLink - The Community Cats Podcast

Interview! Cheryl Ann Fernandes, Regional Shelter Care Representative, PetLink

Interview! Merritt Clifton, Journalist and Founder, Animals 24-7 News
September 16, 2016
What Is A Managed Colony
September 19, 2016
Interview! Merritt Clifton, Journalist and Founder, Animals 24-7 News
September 16, 2016
What Is A Managed Colony
September 19, 2016

“We’re trying to help shelters and Animal Control Officers embrace pet identification as a means of improving live release rates”

Drawing on Cheryl Ann’s diverse, 25-year career in animal welfare, she and Stacy have a wide-ranging discussion about the challenges of being an urban animal control officer, the persistent challenge of “compassion fatigue” for all of those working in the field, and the innovative idea that microchipping can save the lives of not just pets, but community cats. She explains that, from a colony keeper’s perspective, if you can microchip the members of your colony,  you can identify which cats have had the vaccinations and treatments they need. This may reduce the risk of these community cats getting picked up and stuck in “the system.” Making chips and scanners financially and widely accessible is part of her current role as a shelter care representative at Pet Link.
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