Interview! Linda Gage, No More Homeless Pets Network Specialist, Best Friends Animal Society - The Community Cats Podcast

Interview! Linda Gage, No More Homeless Pets Network Specialist, Best Friends Animal Society

Interview! Ollie Davidson of Almond&Olive
September 13, 2016
Interview! Andi Kola, Founder Lumen LS, Broward County, Florida
September 15, 2016
Interview! Ollie Davidson of Almond&Olive
September 13, 2016
Interview! Andi Kola, Founder Lumen LS, Broward County, Florida
September 15, 2016

“These animals deserve a life outside: that’s where they’re born, that’s where they live, that’s where they’re used to being.”

Linda outlines the myriad resources that the No More Homeless Pets Network offers to small organizations around the country: ideas on how to get a Community Cats program started, marketing tool kits, grants and financial aid and the opportunity for sharing ideas and connecting with other groups currently engaged in the same activities. “There’s no need to reinvent the wheel,” she observes. “A lot of groups are doing this really well.” She works with both urban and rural groups, each of whom have their own challenges. “People have a pre-conceived notion about what’s best for a cat they see outdoors.  When I see that mindset change, I get excited.”
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