Interview! Cameron Moore, Project Manager, Target Zero - The Community Cats Podcast

Interview! Cameron Moore, Project Manager, Target Zero

Interview! Sheri Gustafson, Spay/Neuter Community Liaison for the Massachusetts Animal Fund
September 7, 2016
Interview! Bonnie Geisler, President and Founder, Felines and Friends Foundation (VT)
September 9, 2016
Interview! Sheri Gustafson, Spay/Neuter Community Liaison for the Massachusetts Animal Fund
September 7, 2016
Interview! Bonnie Geisler, President and Founder, Felines and Friends Foundation (VT)
September 9, 2016

“When we offered spay/neuter to them, these caretakers would cry with happiness.”

Given Cameron’s contribution to a diverse number of game-changing initiatives, she and Stacy have a wide-ranging conversation about a number of topics related to TNR, abandonment and adoption programs, and helping communities get the support they need to get to the goal of zero euthanasias for healthy dogs and cats.  Cameron discusses “community cat diversion”:  the retraining of people to stop bringing outdoor cats to shelters and, rather,  to spay/neuter/vaccinate them and return them to their outdoor homes. She also stresses the importance of removing barriers for cat owners to get their pets fixed:  “it’s on their to-do list, but things get in the way.”  “Cats are part of our landscape…we need to do what we can to help them and the people who take care of them.”
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