Strategies for Reducing Cat Populations, with Stacy LeBaron, Host of The Community Cats Podcast - The Community Cats Podcast

Strategies for Reducing Cat Populations, with Stacy LeBaron, Host of The Community Cats Podcast

Unveiling the Flatbush Veterinary Clinic: Tackling Cat Overpopulation in Brooklyn, New York
August 31, 2023
Finding Cat-Loving People with Audrey Stratton, Clinic Supervisor at Feral Cat Coalition
September 19, 2023
Unveiling the Flatbush Veterinary Clinic: Tackling Cat Overpopulation in Brooklyn, New York
August 31, 2023
Finding Cat-Loving People with Audrey Stratton, Clinic Supervisor at Feral Cat Coalition
September 19, 2023

“First and foremost, before me telling them [why they should neuter their indoor/outdoor cat], I want to find out what will move the needle for them.”

Listen to Episode #524 Now


This episode is sponsored in part by Urban Cat League,, and Maddie’s Fund.

In today’s special podcast, we are proud to bring you the audio version of “Strategies for Reducing Cat Populations”.

In this episode, Stacy LeBaron, host of The Community Cats Podcast, long-time TNR advocate/practitioner, and non-profit administrator, shares her experience and offers suggestions to address the most common situations that can arise when birds, raccoons, coyotes, and other species live alongside a managed community cat colony. She discusses how she navigated working with various agencies to promote TNR and gives details on cases where both cat lovers and bird enthusiasts have come together to make it work for the benefit of all the animals – and people – involved. The session includes a Q&A period where the audience gets their questions answered and learns some talking points to explain to others how TNR benefits wildlife. Additional insight is given by special guests Mike Phillips, president of the Urban Cat League (you can hear more from him in episode 71), and Shelia Massy, president and founder of Hard Hat Cats (who was featured on episode 494).

If you’d like to watch this presentation, you can visit our YouTube channel to check it out. To download handouts mentioned in the show, you can visit our Community Cat Pyramid page to find these, and a treasure trove of other TNR and community cat care education.

Thanks to our featured sponsors!


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