Targeted TNR & Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck, Part 2, with Bryan Kortis, National Programs Director for Neighborhood Cats - The Community Cats Podcast

Targeted TNR & Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck, Part 2, with Bryan Kortis, National Programs Director for Neighborhood Cats

Targeted TNR & Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck, Part 1, with Bryan Kortis, National Programs Director for Neighborhood Cats
August 1, 2023
Shifting the Mindset in Municipal Sheltering with Heidi Williams, Director of the Ingham County Animal Control & Shelter
August 15, 2023
Targeted TNR & Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck, Part 1, with Bryan Kortis, National Programs Director for Neighborhood Cats
August 1, 2023
Shifting the Mindset in Municipal Sheltering with Heidi Williams, Director of the Ingham County Animal Control & Shelter
August 15, 2023

“You also want to know your community so your outreach is effective.”

Listen to Episode #520 Now


This episode is sponsored in part by Urban Cat League,, and Maddie’s Fund.

In today’s podcast, we are proud to bring you part two of the audio version of “Targeted TNR & Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck Presented by Neighborhood Cats”. (If you haven’t listened to part one, you can check it out here.)

The more cats you fix, the more impact your TNR program will have, right? Wrong! Spay/neuter volume alone is rarely enough by itself to keep consistently reducing a community’s free-roaming cat population over time. Another aspect of the program needs to be identifying areas of high need (meaning, lots of cats) and then focusing TNR resources at that location in order to achieve high sterilization rates. Discover what targeting is, why it’s so important, and how you can do it no matter how large or small your program is.

To learn more about Neighborhood Cats, you may visit their website.

If you’d like to watch this presentation, you can visit our YouTube channel to check it out. To download handouts mentioned in the show, you can visit our Community Cat Care Training and Education page to find these, and a treasure trove of other TNR and community cat care education.

Thanks to our featured sponsors!


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