Return-to-Field and Targeting Part 2 with Bryan Kortis, National Programs Director for Neighborhood Cats - The Community Cats Podcast

Return-to-Field and Targeting Part 2 with Bryan Kortis, National Programs Director for Neighborhood Cats

Return-to-Field and Targeting Part 1 with Bryan Kortis, National Programs Director for Neighborhood Cats
June 6, 2023
A Mass Trapping Powerhouse with Dawn Benefiel, Executive Director of Indy Neighborhood Cats
June 20, 2023
Return-to-Field and Targeting Part 1 with Bryan Kortis, National Programs Director for Neighborhood Cats
June 6, 2023
A Mass Trapping Powerhouse with Dawn Benefiel, Executive Director of Indy Neighborhood Cats
June 20, 2023

“This brings us to one of the hot-button issues happening right now in return-to-field…what about friendly cats?”

Listen to Episode #512 Now


This episode is sponsored in part by Cats of the Wild Podcast,, and Maddie’s Fund.

In today’s podcast, we are proud to bring you the audio version of “Return-to-Field & Targeting: The Community Cat Program Presented by Neighborhood Cats”. In part two of this special episode, your host, Bryan Kortis, will help you learn what return-to-field and targeting are and how can we use them to save lives and reduce the number of cats living on our streets. He will give details about these approaches, the policies behind them, and the mechanics of how they work. Plus find out how Return-to-Field and targeted TNR can be combined to achieve dramatic, sustainable reductions in both euthanasia and intake at open-admission shelters.

To learn more about Neighborhood Cats, you may visit their website.

If you’d like to watch this presentation, you can hop on over to our YouTube channel to check it out. To download handouts mentioned in the show, you can visit our Community Cat Care Training and Education page to find these, and a treasure trove of other TNR and community cat care education.

Thanks to our featured sponsors!


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