International TNR Spotlight: Let’s Adopt Indonesia
November 12, 2020
International TNR Spotlight: CopsCats Cyprus
November 19, 2020
“Animals and people do need to be cared for. It’s not an either or, it’s a both and.”
Listen to Episode #378 Now
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Founding member of Archimedes’ Printing Shoppe and Sundry Goodes, Susan Russell has had diverse experience as a writer, attorney, and animal advocate. She has led municipal animal shelters in Chicago and Philadelphia, worked as a litigator, and published an array of books including A Ruff Road Home: The Court Case Dogs of Chicago, several children’s books, and the new series Gata Unbound.
Susan and Stacy discuss Susan’s newest book series (co written with Lucy Nolan and illustrated by Katy Lacy), Gata Unbound: A Series for Ailurophiles of all Ages. Volume One of the series features two stories, Klein’s Weird Evening & Archimedes’ Ear. This series aims to introduce children to the important topic of TNR. Stacy and Susan finish up their interview with the importance of bringing joy, humor and kindness to our lives.
To buy Gata Unbound, you can head over to the Archimedes’ Printing Shoppe and Sundry Goodes website; you can also find them on their Facebook page. A Ruff Road Home: The Court Case Dogs of Chicago can be found here. Susan’s children’s books can be found on Amazon: We Can’t Go There. We’re Bears, Shelter Dog Kisses, and Mr. Bird and Mr. Cat: How ‘Bout That.