Kathleen O’Malley, TNR educator - The Community Cats Podcast

Kathleen O’Malley, TNR educator

A Powerful New Tool for Improving Return to Owner Rates
October 23, 2020
Announcing a New Collaboration!
October 29, 2020
A Powerful New Tool for Improving Return to Owner Rates
October 23, 2020
Announcing a New Collaboration!
October 29, 2020

“It’s a real relationship we have between ourselves and our feral cats.”

Listen to Episode #375 Now


This episode is sponsored in part by Doobert.com, and Heaven Can Wait.

Kathleen O’Malley is a longtime practitioner and educator of TNR. She has worked for the Hudson County Animal League, the ASPCA, the Mayor’s Alliance for New York City Animals, and Bideawee Feral Cat Initiative (FCI).

In this episode Stacy and Kathleen discuss what to do if you see a stray cat, the many ways you can help with TNR, and the challenges facing those assisting community cats. Kathleen shares more about programs provided by Bideawee FCI, including education and outreach around TNR and caring for colonies, as well as support for certified TNR caretakers and the general public to connect with resources, services, and each other.

To find out more, you can email info@nycferalcat.org or visit Bideawee’s website or the NYC Feral Cat Initiative. 

Thanks to our featured sponsors!


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