Julie Jacobson, Spay Tennessee and CCP Community Cats Grants Program - The Community Cats Podcast

Julie Jacobson, Spay Tennessee and CCP Community Cats Grants Program

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Recent Study Identifies Key Indicators in Building High-Impact Community Cat Programs
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“I fear a complete loss of services in some areas that already had little to nothing.”

Listen to Episode #365 Now


This episode is sponsored in part by Doobert.comThe Cat Fanciers’ Association, and The American Association of Feline Practitioners.

Stacy chats with Julie Jacobson of Spay Tennessee, who is also the grants coordinator for CCP’s Community Cats Grants program. Julie, a frequent CCP guest (check out Episodes 2, 92, and 268, talks about how great this year’s grant program had been going—until the coronavirus hit.

Julie and Stacy explain how the Community Cats Grants work: They are strictly for spay/neuter of community cats, and they are matching $1,000 grants that a group can earn by raising money through a new fundraising idea that they’ve never tried before. Julie tells listeners that there is a CCP webinar they can view about the grant application process, and she gives some helpful tips about live release rates, and also about Guidestar.

Stacy and Julie go on to discuss the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on animal transport programs, and on spay/neuter, especially in rural areas like the ones Spay Tennessee services. All in all, Julie has deep worries about the effect of many months without spay/neuter. “Here in Tennessee,” she tells Stacy, “we’re going to be set back years in a lot of areas.”

To learn more about the Community Cats Grants program (or to apply for a grant), visit the CCP grants page. To learn more about Spay Tennessee, visit their website.

Thanks to our featured sponsors!


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