You Found a Stray Kitten in Your Yard. Now What?
August 6, 2020
Recent Study Identifies Key Indicators in Building High-Impact Community Cat Programs
August 13, 2020
“It’s well worth waiting for that right person.”
Listen to Episode #364 Now
This episode is sponsored in part by Doobert.com, The Cat Fanciers’ Association, and The American Association of Feline Practitioners.
Bonney Brown (CCP Episode 30 and Episode 181) and Diane Blankenburg, the president, and the CEO, respectively, of Humane Network, join Stacy to talk about the process of leadership recruitment in animal welfare. Humane Network assists organizations with this process and Bonney and Diane talk a bit about their process for going about a search and ways they can help throughout the process, depending on what their client needs.
Stacy goes on to discuss with Bonney and Diane the best kind of interview questions to use in order to really get at people’s core competencies, how to determine an appropriate salary range, and they discuss why the “lifespan” for executive directors and directors of development seems to be so short in animal welfare. Bonney and Diane also offer some advice for organizations that may not have paid staff but are still looking to recruit new leadership.
For more information, visit the Humane Network website, or email them at info@humanenetwork.org.