Everything You Need to Know About Kittens!
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“We just have to make sure that [the caregivers] understand … how we’re there to help them.”
Listen to Episode #356 Now
In this episode, Stacy talks with Mary Howard, the community cat coordinator at McKamey Animal Center in Chattanooga, TN. The program started in 2018 with a grant from Best Friends Animal Society and since inception, the organization’s return to habitat releases has gone up by 145%.
Stacy and Mary discuss the many programs McKamey offers, including a barn cat program, kitten nursery, trapping services, a pet food bank, low-cost vaccine clinics, and an on-site feral colony for cats that cannot safely be released back to the areas in which they were trapped. McKamey is connected with the city’s animal control services, and Mary talks with Stacy about how she works with animal control, and how she maintains good relationships there. Mary also shares some trapping tips and tricks, and discuss how, from 2018 to 2019, the organization’s save rate increased by 12% to 90%.
To learn more, visit McKamey’s website, where you can click on “Services” and then “Community Cats” for information about the Community Cats Program.