Twenty-ish More Virtual Training Ideas
April 9, 2020
Let’s Appreciate Our Animal Control Officers This Week!
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“[There is] a major shift in how we’re thinking about how cats use their claws, and why they use their claws, and why they should keep them.”
Listen to Episode #347 Now
In this episode, HSUS Senior Analyst for Cat Protection & Policy Danielle Bays joins Stacy to talk about what’s going on in the world of cat policy issues. Danielle, who has chatted with Stacy in CCP Episode 55, Episode 261, and Episode 293, also shares details about the upcoming HSUS Expo conference. The conference will be held in San Antonio May 6–9 and will feature a whole track devoted specifically to cats.*
Stacy & Danielle goes on to talk about the major focus lately in the U.S. on concerns about cat declawing. They also discuss the HSUS’s upcoming publication of a revised guide to community cats for municipal officials. Danielle also talks about ways listeners can get involved in advocacy, including attending the Taking Action for Animals conference in Washington D.C., which will be held July 25–26, 2020.
To learn more about current advocacy issues around cats, or about HSUS Expo and other educational opportunities, visit Animal Sheltering, the HSUS website focused on the shelter and rescue community. You can also email Danielle directly for more information on any of the topics in this episode, and you can visit our 2020 Online Cat Conference page to purchase downloads from Danielle’s (and others’) sessions at the conference.
*Note that this episode was recorded before the 2020 HSUS Expo was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic crisis. The information in the podcast should still be applicable to future Expo conferences.