Interview! Jeff Parks, Author of You Know Your Cat Loves You Because... - The Community Cats Podcast

Interview! Jeff Parks, Author of You Know Your Cat Loves You Because…

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“I wanted it to be a book that was full of joy.”

Listen to Episode #337 now


Jeff Parks, a comedy writer by trade, wasn’t introduced to the world of cats until he was in his 30s, but once he was, there was no going back. He quickly turned into a “cat person,” and became intrigued by the ways in which cats show their affection. Finding mostly scientific answers, he began using his comedy background to come up with funny ways cats show their love that wouldn’t be found in any official studies. Soon, he decided to pursue the idea as an illustrated book and began working with a co-writer and illustrator.

Jeff and Stacy discuss the results of this work, the book You Know Your Cat Loves You Because … The Sweet, Silly, and Scientific Ways Our Cats Show Us How Much They Love Us and Jeff goes into detail about how the book came to be. He tells Stacy that he wanted to write a positive book that didn’t just play on the typical stereotypes of cats being aloof. The book has had a great response, and Jeff hopes it brings joy to everyone who reads it.

To learn more, you can visit the You Know Your Cat Loves You Because Facebook page. You can also purchase a copy of the book on Amazon, or email the book team with any questions or comments—they love feedback!

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