San Francisco Feral Kitten Frenzy
July 22, 2019
Community Cat Centers – What Do You Think?
July 28, 2019
“Every time I help a cat, I’m helping a person too.”
Listen to Episode #310 Now
Stacy is once again joined by Dr. Rachel Geller, who has previously appeared on CCP Episode 18 and Episode 146. A certified Humane Education Specialist and Cat Behavior & Retention Specialist, Rachel is celebrating the launch of her new book, Saving the World One Cat at a Time.
Rachel tells Stacy that she hadn’t really entertained the idea of writing a book until the Boston Globe featured an article about her work. Shortly afterward, Nancy West, a Globe columnist, contacted Rachel to ask if she wanted to write a book with her. The book is an “as told to” book, meaning that Nancy West interviewed Rachel and then wrote the book. The information and stories, many of which are deeply personal, are all Rachel’s, but, as Rachel puts it, Nancy “really brought my work to life.”
Stacy & Rachel discuss what that work entails, and how Rachel is doing a lot of work with shelter staff and volunteers to help keep cats in the homes they love by addressing behavior problems before they reach a crisis point. Stacy and Rachel discuss the top issues Rachel see in her works, why Rachel is “100% against declawing,” and the five things that Rachel feels are the most important tools you need to have a happy cat.
To learn more, check out Saving the World One Cat at a Time on Amazon. A portion of the sales proceeds will be donated back to cat shelters. You can also reach out to Rachel directly at drrachelgeller@gmail.com.