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“If [Return to Field is] not happening where you are, it’s probably coming soon.”
Listen to Episode #305 Now
Peter Wolf, previously featured on CCP Episode 74, joins Stacy again, this time to discuss a newly released research paper that he and Dan Spehar (CCP Episode 240) have co-authored. The paper, titled “Integrated Return-To-Field and Targeted Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return Programs Result in Reductions of Feline Intake and Euthanasia at Six Municipal Animal Shelters,” has been published inFrontiers in Veterinary Science, an online, peer-reviewed journal.
For this paper, Peter and Dan pulled a very large set of data (around 73,000 cats) from six of Best Friends’ Community Cat Programs. These programs are staffed by Best Friends and the locations are selected through a highly competitive application process. They all integrate Return-to-Field (RTF) with targeted TNR programs, a combination that Peter feels is vital to success.
Across the board over these programs during the research period, Peter and Dan found a median decrease in feline euthanasia of 83%, a median decrease in feline intake of 32%, and a median reduction in intake of kittens ages eight weeks or under of 41%. All of this data, Peter says, adds to the body of information telling us that community cat programs offer a real benefit to shelters, the community and the cats.
To learn more about Best Friends, their work with community cats, and their upcoming conference, visit their website. You can also contact Peter directly with questions, or read his and Dan Spehar’s full paper here.