Trapper Tips & Tricks Profile: C5’s Keith Williams
May 19, 2019
‘Tis the Season…for Catios!
May 26, 2019
“If you love cats, we’ll have something for you this weekend.”
Christina Ha joins Stacy again (having been interviewed by Stacy in CCP episode 144 and episode 245), this time to discuss the third annual Cat Camp event, to be held this June 1 and 2 in New York City at the Metropolitan Pavilion. Christina, who is one of the co-founders of Meow Parlour cat café, founded Cat Camp in 2017 as a resource for the many people who were asking her about how they could help cats and learn more about them.
Cat Camp is for anyone who likes cats, whether you’re a cat owner who wants to learn more about your pet, a shelter or rescue worker or volunteer, or just someone who thinks Cat Camp sounds interesting. Basically, Christina tells Stacy, “If you love cats, we’ll have something for you this weekend.”
In past years, between 2,000 and 3,000 people have attended Cat Camp each year, and this year looks like it will be just as well attended, with people from 30 states and 9 countries having already purchased tickets. This year’s speakers include many previous CCP guests, including Jackson Galaxy, “Kitten Lady” Hannah Shaw, Nikki Martinez, and Dr. Mikel Delgado, plus many more.
This year, Cat Camp is really “leaning in” to the “camp” theme, with speakers (aka “camp counselors”) also holding small-scale “counseling” sessions on more in-depth topics. Attendees will be able to ask the experts directly about the topics at hand. Understandably, these sessions sold out immediately!
Cat Camp will also have tons of vendors this year, with offerings from jewelry to veterinary advice. In addition, Meow Parlour will be setting up an onsite cat café at the event for the first time. Cat Camp has also partnered with ASPCA this year to offer TNR certification during the event. Earning your certification will get you access to free spay/neuter for trapped cats through the ASPCA’s program!
To learn more or buy your tickets, visit the Cat Camp website—and be sure to stop by the CCP booth at Cat Camp to say hi to Kristen (our technical cat) and get some CCP swag!