FeLV-positive Adoption Program Profile Series: Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society (Part 2)
April 28, 2019
The Community Cats Podcast Visits Meow DC
May 5, 2019
“Do this for yourself. Do this for your cats.”
Listen to Episode #298 Now
Dave Hanley, developer of the Tomorrow app, is an entrepreneur who is also a pet (and human) parent. Tomorrow is designed to help anyone set up a legal will quickly and easily—and even appoint guardians for their pets and/or children. The app is free, with no strings attached. (It is funded by the optional sale of life insurance products.)
Dave’s own love for cats began as a child, when his parents gave his older sister a kitten one Christmas. Since then, Dave has always felt a connection to cats, and currently shares his home with two twin sister cats. He was inspired to create Tomorrow after learning that 50 million children are not protected by legal guardianships providing for their care. Dave’s experiences in wading through his own parents’ outdated estate plans and documents after their deaths provided additional motivation to develop the app, which he hopes will encourage everyone to protect themselves and their families with these important documents.
One experience that really stuck with Dave after his mother’s death was the challenge of finding a new home for her cat. The process took him and his siblings quite a while, and the whole time, he felt certain that someone in his mother’s retirement community would have taken the cat in—but neither he nor his siblings had any idea who might have been willing, because they had never had that conversation with their mother, nor had his mother ever noted the information anywhere. The Tomorrow app would have solved all that, had it been available, as it not only allows you to set up guardians for your pets, it also allows you to enter important information about them and their health, diet, etc.
Dave encourages everyone to have conversations about what will happen to your pets, children, and assets after your death. “It’s not dark,” he tells Stacy; “it’s just having a plan.”
You can learn more on the Tomorrow website, or you can download Tomorrow through an app store—it’s available for both Apple and Android phones.