FeLV-positive Adoption Program Profile Series: KC Pet Project
April 7, 2019
Trapper Tips & Tricks Profile: Penny Leisch
April 14, 2019
“In the time I’ll talk to you, twenty fewer cats will lose their lives in animal shelters because of the progress we’ve made in this field in the last five years.”
You may remember Dr. Kate Hurley, Director of U.C. Davis Koret School of Veterinary Medicine and co-founder of Million Cat Challenge, from CCP Episode 47. If not, be sure to check it to hear all about how Dr. Hurley got started in the world of animal welfare.
In this episode, Dr. Hurley is back to talk with Stacy about the amazing success of the Million Cat Challenge (MCC) program that she co-founded with Dr. Julie Levy three years ago. Dr. Hurley talks about what she calls a “stunning transformation” that has taken place in the field of animal sheltering for cats since last time she was on the show, beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. Not only did the MCC hit its goal (a year early!), the program has seen many shelters decrease their euthanasia rates by 80-90% after joining the MCC. These shelters have saved over a million more cat lives compared to their own baselines before joining the MCC.
Stacy and Dr. Hurley discuss the specifics behind the numbers, and how the MCC was set up to amplify successes that were already happening in animal welfare. The idea was to connect people with each other and to make the progress that is happening for cats more visible in order to inspire both commitment and hope. The program has definitely done just that, with nearly 1,311 fewer cats being euthanized per day in the United States now. “This can be the new norm for cats,” Dr. Hurley believes.
She goes on to discuss what’s next for the MCC, which is “the right outcome” for every single cat that comes to a shelter in North America.” She hopes that CCP listeners will help out by visiting the MCC website, making sure that their local shelter is enrolled in the program—and if not, stopping by and taking with them about it!
To learn more, visit the Million Cat Challenge website. You can see if your local shelter is a participant by clicking on “Who’s Involved.” You can also check out Dr. Hurley’s recent webinar presentation on Cats, Birds, and Animal Shelters: Seeking Common Ground.