Why November Should Be National Spay/Neuter Month and the 10-1 Rule
November 13, 2017
Sorry, This Clinic is for Cats Only
November 20, 2017
“58% of cats are overweight, and 28% of those are considered obese. This is up 7% since just 2011 and something clearly needs to change.”
Matt, the Master Business Person, and Calvin, Head Chef, are taking a fresh look at feeding felines after seeing just how many cats are overweight, suffering from renal failure or urinary crystals. They realized just how big a difference real food can make for all cats and decided to start a new food company to help with these increasing issues.
Matt grew up with cats and dogs and always had a bit of a suspicion about the food he was feeding his pets. It just never quite smelled like food.
Calvin’s interest in food began with human food. One of the big lessons he hopes that people wrap their head around is that the same truths for human food hold strong for cats, as well. What you eat has a big impact on your energy, day-to-day health and wellness, along with long-term health! While humans are on the bandwagon to work towards better eating, now it’s time for our pets, too!
Feeding cats also needs to change through more specific feeding instructions, instead of just being based on weight or age. Smalls is working to revolutionize this area by receiving information about a client’s cat and creating a specific CALORIE recommendation to feed per day. It lets owners know exactly what to feed their kitty, per day, instead of allowing a cat to free feed, since it’s not really inline with a cat’s natural predatory behavior.
Cats also get most of their hydration through their food and with dry food in today’s market, that isn’t possible. Cats tend to be chronically dehydrated, which can cause renal failure, obesity, urinary crystals, etc.
All food is freshly prepared, frozen and shipped to a client on a subscription basis. They are creating their own cooking classes and teaching people how to cook their own food at home. Smalls believes in transparency and want people to see how the food is prepared and what goes into it!
For more information about Smalls, and to order, head over to www.smallsforsmalls.com.
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