Time to Think About Winterizing Feral Cat Shelters
October 9, 2017
Top Online Resources for Volunteer Management
October 16, 2017
“It feels like we are starting over in Maui. We are having fascinating on-the-ground experiences!”
Stacy catches up with Bryan Kortis today to cover a wide range of topics from what is happening in Hawaii with pending legislation that would help community cats, to an update on the group’s work in Jersey City, New Jersey, where they recently spayed/neutered about 1,000 cats! Lastly, we are covering what is new with catstats.org.
Bryan has partnered with the local Maui Humane Society to build a special TNR room and has been getting involved in the community to get hands-on help. It hasn’t been easy, though! He has dealt with a lot of anti-TNR attitudes in Hawaii, which is home to the largest home of endangered bird species. Follow Bryan’s work in Hawaii with the action alert!
Bryan also makes presentations at conferences and meetings all around the country and is hosting a training online on October 17th, “Combating the Naysayers”, which you can sign up for now!
To find out more about where Bryan is presenting and what he is up to over the coming months, go to www.neighborhoodcats.org.
Listen to Episode #218 Now