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“It’s a connection between two souls on a non-physical level.”
Maribeth Decker is an intuitive animal communicator, whose dogs first began communicating with her after she became a Reiki Master. She herself only realized her gift when she adopted Tibor, a young fear-aggressive rescue dog, who sent her images of his life before coming to live with her. After that experience, Maribeth began consciously practicing animal communication, and has been doing so since 2010.
Maribeth describes her communication with animals as “feelings, memories, and body sensations” shared between two beings. In this episode, she recounts some of her experiences, both with her own animals and with clients. Maribeth helps pet and pet owners deepen their connection, resolve behavioral problems, and even give mutual comfort as the pet begins to transition out of this life. She has also authored a book, Peace In Passing, which aims to provide comfort for grieving pet owners through her experiences in assisting transitions.
To book an appointment or to learn more about what Maribeth does, please visit sacredgrove.com. You can also join the Facebook group, Spiritual Pet People, to connect with a community of animal lovers who want to deepen their connections to their pets.
Listen to Episode #212 Now