Interview! Karen Hollish, Director of Development and Marketing, Pima Animal Care Center - The Community Cats Podcast

Interview! Karen Hollish, Director of Development and Marketing, Pima Animal Care Center

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Interview! Erin Berry, Executive of Marketing and Communication, BoardSource
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Interview! Erika Kelly, founder of Operation Git-Meow
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“The community cats project has not only helped us save outdoor community cats; it’s helped us provide a better experience for the cats inside our shelters.”

Karen Hollish is the director of development and marketing at Pima Animal Care Center. In March 2014, she started a development program for the government-run, open-admission shelter in Pima County, Arizona. The program was hugely successful: she raised millions of dollars through fundraising initiatives, and the shelter started to take in about 24,000 pets per year with a save rate of around 70%! In a state like Arizona where pet overpopulation is a big problem and kitten season lasts virtually all year round, this is a huge accomplishment.

Pima Animal Care Center has managed to raise its save rate to 90% thanks to its community cat program, and it also has a unique kitten program for people with dementia and other memory issues. While the kitten is socialized, the patients receive all the health benefits of close contact with animals, including unexpected remembrances of beloved family pets!

To learn more about Pima Animal Care Center (and to watch inspiring videos of dementia patients interacting with kittens), please visit

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