To Relocate or Not To Relocate – That is the Question
July 11, 2016
Interview! Jessica Lifford, Former Executive Director, Indy Humane Animal Welfare Center
July 13, 2016
“You can save more lives by fixing one cat than you can with one adoption.”
Julie applied her for-profit experience and strategic mindset to the issues facing Community Cats in her years at PetSmart Charities and Executive Director of the Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Program in Washington State. She points out how important it is for all groups — no matter their size — to figure out what they do best, and focus on those skills to build sustainability. Rather than try to “do it all,” she recommends that every organization find like-minded partners who complement their expertise. She also shares great ideas about how to personalize fundraising for spay/neuter initiatives.
To find out more visit the PetSmart Charities online.
Listen to Episode #19 Now

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