Interview! Karen Little, Founder, Alley Cat Advocates, Louisville KY
July 8, 2016
To Relocate or Not To Relocate – That is the Question
July 11, 2016
“If we can keep a cat that has a solvable, fixable behavior problem in its home, it’s better for the cat and for the owner.”
Volunteering at the Gifford Shelter, and helping socialize fearful, shy and semi-feral cats launched Rachel into her role today as a certified cat behaviorist. She describes the cat behavior and retention program she founded at Gifford, and has shared with other organizations as well as the Humane Society of the United States. Her passion for helping those in need extends beyond cats to developing a program for shelters to bring developmentally challenged children in as volunteers, and advocacy for nursing homes to embrace allowing seniors the therapeutic benefit of owning cats. Finally, she counsels Stacy on how to keep her cat Hooch from waking her up every night!
To find out more visit the Gifford Cat Shelter online and click here to check out the presentation Rachel mentions in the episode!
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