Ask Stacy! Five Tenets of Building an Organization - The Community Cats Podcast

Ask Stacy! Five Tenets of Building an Organization

Love your Pet Day
Love your Pet Day – Can We Adopt Our Way Out of Pet Overpopulation?
February 20, 2017
Interview! Katie Lisnik, Director of Cat Protection and Policy at the Humane Society of the United States
February 23, 2017
Love your Pet Day
Love your Pet Day – Can We Adopt Our Way Out of Pet Overpopulation?
February 20, 2017
Interview! Katie Lisnik, Director of Cat Protection and Policy at the Humane Society of the United States
February 23, 2017

“We have to focus on giving people the guidance they need, but also let them take ownership a task, too.”

In this Ask Stacy episode, Lisa and Stacy go through Stacy’s 5 Tenets of Building an Organization to Help Community Cats, which are: Understand your community, Build a skills matrix, Delegate tasks, Communicate with donors and volunteers, and Review and evaluate goals. Stacy is more than happy to consult with organizations on working on these tenets, so please email her at if you have any questions!
Don’t forget: the Cat Stats webinar is fast approaching on February 23rd! If you still have not reserved your spot, go to the Community Cats Podcast website and search for “cat stats webinar” to fill out the participant form. Also, be sure to submit a selfie with your cat to the My Feline Valentine photo contest before February 28th for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card and other prizes!

Listen to Episode #147 Now


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