Interview! Myles Chadwick, Vice President of the New School at Emancipet - The Community Cats Podcast

Interview! Myles Chadwick, Vice President of the New School at Emancipet

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“In order to reach people who haven’t been [reached] before, we have to do a lot of listening, not just a lot of telling.”

What do line cooks and high-volume spay-neuter vets have in common? Coming to the animal welfare world from a background in restaurants and cooking, Myles didn’t know the first thing about TNR when he became the assistant manager of client services at an ASPCA hospital in New York City. However, he became fascinated with the process and eventually took over the management of the TNR clinics. He is now the director of clinic operations and training at Emancipet, an organization committed to making low-cost spay-neuter services affordable and accessible. He is also the vice president of the Emancipet New School, which provides training for animal welfare organizations in their messaging and outreach to communities that have low incidence of spay-neuter.

Now a seasoned advocate, Myles talks about his slow discovery of the “underlying truths” of his field, and highlights that the “sharing of information” is the most important part of making low-cost spay-neuter accessible. He believes that pet overpopulation is the product of barriers to entry rather than irresponsibility.

To learn more about Emancipet or the New School, visit and

Listen to Episode #138 Now


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