Interview! Karen Little, Executive Director, Alley Cat Advocates - The Community Cats Podcast

Interview! Karen Little, Executive Director, Alley Cat Advocates

Interview! Andi Kola, Founder, LumenLS
November 28, 2016
Interview! Dr. Christine Wilford, Founder, The Feral Cat Project
December 3, 2016
Interview! Andi Kola, Founder, LumenLS
November 28, 2016
Interview! Dr. Christine Wilford, Founder, The Feral Cat Project
December 3, 2016

“Urban cats are accustomed to urban living. Rural cats are accustomed to rural living… Keeping those colonies in tact, adjacent to where their habitat might have been destroyed, is in the best interest of the cats.”

ACAlogoIn her second interview with Stacy, Karen explores the issue of relocation in the Louisville, Kentucky area where she works with Alley Cat Advocates. A firm believer that colony relocation is only an option when the current habitat is targeted for destruction, she talks with Stacy about pursuing alternative avenues like educating residents on ways to deter unwanted colony behavior and examining food sources. With such alternatives, the Kentucky Humane Society cites an 80 percent success rate in keeping community cats in original habitats while practicing TNR to lower populations over time. Karen and Stacy also discuss the effect of terminology use on both public perception and municipal perception of community cats and their future.

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