Transport or Not To Transport
November 28, 2016
Interview! Karen Little, Executive Director, Alley Cat Advocates
December 1, 2016
“To fix the problems that are facing cats, all center around increasing the perceived importance, the perceived value, and the perceived acceptance of cats to humans.”
In his second interview with Stacy, Andi discusses his organization’s approach to challenges facing community cats in Broward County, Florida. With a mission of eliminating unnecessary suffering and euthanasia for all community cats in the area, Andi’s shelter, Lumen LS, has been specifically tackling euthanasia reduction. With this focus, about three hundred cats’ lives have been spared in under three months. Andi discusses the innovative implementation of community cat signs. Like duck crossing signs, these signs portray ear-tipped cat silhouettes representing cat-friendly areas where TNR colonies exist. Qualified trappers work with homeowners’ associations and property management personnel to not only perform TNR, but educate residents on the long-term effects of the program and how they can contribute.
For more information visit www.lumenls.org.
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