Julia Grosz, Cat Hustler
December 31, 2019
Dr. Jennifer Conrad, The Paw Project
January 7, 2020
Many of you know that goal-setting is one of my favorite things to do.
I usually start to think about goals in the fall, but unfortunately this year I just haven’t had a chance to sit down and really focus on our goals here at CCP until now. I can’t believe that we have recorded and published over 330 podcasts since starting this journey. We also have an equal number of blog posts and have helped over 100 groups with their fundraising efforts to support spay/neuter all across the country. Below I thought I would share a few of our goals for next year and give you a sneak peek of what we have going on in 2020.
- Virtual Education: The Community Cats Podcast team will be holding two online conferences in 2020: the Online Cat Conference (January 24–26) and the Online Kitten Conference (June 14–16). We are committed to making these events some of the largest online get-togethers worldwide for those who care about community cats. We will also be holding an Online Behavior Day on Saturday, February 8. This is the first time we have held a topic-specific event and think it will be a great way to take a deep dive into cat behavior. We are also thrilled to continue our partnership with Neighborhood Cats in 2020 to provide four more free online webinars on community cat issues. Registration is open for the first one, Trappers, Tips and Tricks, which will be held on Saturday, March 14 at 2:00 pm EST.
- Podcasts: We are committed to another year of 50+ engaging podcasts with amazing people who are turning their passion for cats into action. Be on the lookout for some unique podcasts that we are trying this year. If you aren’t yet a subscriber to the podcast, it is easy to do at Apple Podcasts or YouTube.
- Blog Posts and E-news: We are committed to 50+ weekly blogs and announcements on events that are going on around the country. Our blogs will be more theme-oriented in 2020, focusing on education opportunities, books, and documentaries and reviews. I also want to make sure we focus on sharing research that is happening around community cats and cats in general. We may also try to do some video blogs on our YouTube page. If you aren’t already a subscriber to the newsletter, make sure you sign up today.
- Community Cats Grants: Julie Jacobson, who heads up the grant program for the CCP, will be advising another 50 or so groups in 2020, assisting them with a new fundraising initiative (and matching grant) to help with community cat spay/neuter. This money will help thousands of cats get spayed/neutered. For more information, visit the Community Cats Grants page on our website.
- Consulting: I continue to offer my consulting services to help you or your organization be able to work as efficiently and effectively as possible. If you are interested in working with me, I’d love to hear from you. Please email me at stacy@communitycatspodcast.com for more details.
- Attending Conferences: The CCP team will be attending many more conferences this year, and I will be presenting at a few also. You will see some combination of our team at:
- The New England Federation of Humane Societies (April 4–6 in Nashua NH; I will be presenting here)
- HSUS Animal Care Expo (May 6–9 in San Antonio, TX; I will be presenting here)
- Meow DC (May 30, Washington, DC)
- The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement (AAWA) (June 3–5 in Chicago, IL)
- Cat Camp (June 6–7 in New York City)
- PopCats Austin (August 1–2, Austin, TX)
I am sure we will be attending some others as well, so stay tuned. We hope to be able to meet up with some of our listeners at these events.
As you can see, 2020 is already shaping up to be a busy year, with a lot of goals to meet—but we can do it with your help in continuing to share these educational resources with everyone out there helping cats in the community. Happy New Year!